1. If I were a colour, I would be purple- cause of my personality and blue- cause of my strenght
2. If I were a fruit, I would be an apple cause I can be sweet as well as sour
3. If I were an animal, I would be a golden retriever - because i love these dogs. :)
4. If I were a book, I would be a midium hardcovered book with a very coloufull backs
5. If I were clothes, I would be blue Replicant jeans ;)
6. If I were a jewel, I would be a silver wedding ring
7. If I were a tree, I would be a pine
8. If I were a drink, I would be Abscent
9. If I were an insect, I would be a spider
10. If I were a song, I would be a Christmas caroll
11. If I were a movie, I would be Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter
12. If I were a gift, I would be a flower in a pot :D
13. If I were a town, I would be Rivindel (LOTR - the town of the elves)
14. If I were a month, I would definitely be October
15. If I were a flower, I would be a Lilium
16. If I were an invention, I would be Internet :D:D:D
17. If I were a building, I would be an old, big and round castle
18. If I were an answer, I would be a Yes :D:D :P
19. If I were a word, I would be - "smile" or "optimist"
20. If I were a furniture, I would be a very big, warm and fluffy bed :D :)
21. If I were a language, I would be English
So.... please continue this work into your own blogs... :) find out more about yourself
Аз пък бих била Септември. Здрасти :)
zdrasti, vs e razli4en no oktomvri e velikiq mesec
aztec http://www.netknowledgenow.com/members/Omeprazole.aspx http://www.netknowledgenow.com/members/Vacuum-Cleaners.aspx http://www.netknowledgenow.com/members/Annuity-Calculator.aspx http://www.netknowledgenow.com/members/Bariatric-Surgery.aspx http://www.netknowledgenow.com/members/Electric-Blankets.aspx http://jguru.com/guru/viewbio.jsp?EID=1534431 http://jguru.com/guru/viewbio.jsp?EID=1534435
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